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Cursos Fipe

Análise da Conjuntura e Construção de Cenários Econômicos (ON-LINE)
22 de julho de 2024
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MBA Economia Aplicada
29 de abril de 2025
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Curso Preparatório para o Exame Nacional da ANPEC (ON-LINE)
24 de fevereiro de 2023
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Fipe's Informative Bulletin

The BIF – Fipe's Informative Bulletin is a monthly publication with articles regarding the economic conjuncture and Brazilian society. Its collaborators are professors of the Economics Department at FEA/USP, researchers at Fipe and post-graduate students of IPE/USP.

In their published papers, authors articulate their ideas and opinions about current topics and often show the results of studies and researches conducted by Fipe on the most diverse aspects of the Brazilian economy.

Subscribe to receive Fipe's Informative Bulletin by e-mail.